Generated from asscale.c with ROBODoc v3.2.3 on Mon Feb 18 01:16:12 2002


 Simple program based on libAfterImage to scale an image.
 We will load image and scale it up to new size, specified as command
 line arguments
 We then display the result in simple window.
 After that we would want to wait, until user closes our window.

 In this tutorial we will only explain new steps, not described in
 previous tutorial. New steps described in this tutorial are :
 ASScale.1. Parsing geometry spec.
 ASScale.2. Scaling ASImage.
 Tutorial 1: ASView - explanation of basic steps needed to use
                      libAfterImage and some other simple things.
    #include <libAfterImage/afterbase.h>
    #include <libAfterImage/afterimage.h>
    #include "common.h"
    void usage()
        printf( "Usage: asscale [-h]|[image [WIDTH[xHEIGHT]]]\n");
        printf( "Where: image - is image filename.\n");
        printf( "       WIDTH - width to scale image to.( Naturally :)\n");
        printf( "       HEIGHT- height to scale image to.\n");
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        char *image_file = "rose512.jpg" ;
        int dummy, geom_flags = 0;
        unsigned int to_width, to_height ;
        ASImage *im ;
        /* see ASView.1 : */
        set_application_name( argv[0] );
        if( argc > 1 )
            if( strncmp( argv[1], "-h", 2 ) == 0 )
                return 0;
            image_file = argv[1] ;
            if( argc > 2 )   /* see ASScale.1 : */
                geom_flags = XParseGeometry( argv[2], &dummy, &dummy,
                                             &to_width, &to_height );
            show_warning( "no image file or scale geometry - defaults used: \"%s\" ",
                          image_file );
        /* see ASView.2 : */
        im = file2ASImage( image_file, 0xFFFFFFFF, SCREEN_GAMMA, 0, NULL );
        if( im != NULL )
            ASVisual *asv ;
            ASImage *scaled_im ;
            /* Making sure tiling geometry is sane : */
            if( !get_flags(geom_flags, WidthValue ) )
                to_width = im->width*2 ;
            if( !get_flags(geom_flags, HeightValue ) )
                to_height = im->height*2;
            printf( "%s: scaling image \"%s\" to %dx%d by factor of %fx%f\n",
                    get_application_name(), image_file, to_width, to_height,
                    (double)to_height/(double)(im->height) );
                Window w ;
                int screen, depth ;
                dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
                _XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
                screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
                depth = DefaultDepth( dpy, screen );
                /* see ASView.3 : */
                asv = create_asvisual( dpy, screen, depth, NULL );
                /* see ASView.4 : */
                w = create_top_level_window( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 32, 32,
                                             to_width, to_height, 1, 0, NULL,
                                             "ASScale" );
                if( w != None )
                    Pixmap p ;
                    XMapRaised   (dpy, w);
                    /* see ASScale.2 : */
                    scaled_im = scale_asimage( asv, im, to_width, to_height,
                                               ASA_XImage, 0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
                    destroy_asimage( &im );
                    /* see ASView.5 : */
                    p = asimage2pixmap( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), scaled_im,
                                        NULL, True );
                    destroy_asimage( &scaled_im );
                    /* see common.c: set_window_background_and_free() : */
                    p = set_window_background_and_free( w, p );
                /* see common.c: wait_closedown() : */
            asv = create_asvisual( NULL, 0, 0, NULL );
            scaled_im = scale_asimage( asv, im, to_width, to_height,
                                       ASA_ASImage, 0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
            /* writing result into the file */
            ASImage2file( scaled_im, NULL, "asscale.jpg", ASIT_Jpeg, NULL );
            destroy_asimage( &scaled_im );
            destroy_asimage( &im );
        return 0 ;


 Step 1. Parsing the geometry.
 Geometry can be specified in WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y format. Accordingly we
 use standard X function to parse it: XParseGeometry. Returned flags
 tell us what values has been specified. Since we only need size -
 we check if it is specified and if not - simply default it to twice
 as big as original image. Accordingly we use dummy variable to pass
 to XParseGeometry.
     geom_flags = XParseGeometry( argv[3], &dummy, &dummy,
                                  &to_width, &to_height );


 Step 2. Actual scaling the image.
 scale_asimage() scales image both up and down, and is very easy to
 use - just pass it new size. In this example we use default quality.
 Default is equivalent to GOOD which should be sufficient in
 most cases. Compression is set to 0 since we do not intend to store
 image for long time. Even better - we don't need to store it at all -
 all we need is XImage, so we can transfer it to the server easily.
 That is why to_xim argument is set to ASA_XImage. As the result obtained
 ASImage will not have any data in its buffers, but it will have
 ximage member set to point to valid XImage. Subsequently we enjoy
 that convenience, by setting use_cached to True in call to
 asimage2pixmap. That ought to save us alot of processing.

 Scaling algorithm is rather sophisticated and is implementing 4 point
 interpolation. Which basically means that we try to approximate each
 missing point as an extension of the trend of 4 neighboring points -
 two on each side. Closest neighbor's have more weight then outside
 ones. 2D scaling is performed by scaling each scanline first, and
 then interpolating missing scanlines.
 Scaling down is somewhat skimpier, as it amounts to simple averaging
 of the multiple pixels. All calculations are done in integer math on
 per channel basis, and with precision 24.8 bits per channel per pixel.

     scaled_im = scale_asimage( asv, im, to_width, to_height,
                                  ASA_XImage, 0, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT );
     destroy_asimage( &im );
 Scaling image up to very large height is much slower then to same
 width due to algorithm specifics. Yet even on inferior hardware it
 yields decent speeds.
 When we successfully scaled image - we no longer need the original -
 getting rid of it so it does not clog memory.