Generated from asmerge.c with ROBODoc v3.2.3 on Mon Feb 18 01:16:12 2002
Scaling and blending of arbitrary number of images
using libAfterImage.
We will attempt to interpret command line arguments as sequence of
image filenames, geometries and blending types. We'll then try and
load all the images, scaling first one to requested size, and
blending others at specifyed locations of the first image.
We then display the result in simple window.
After that we would want to wait, until user closes our window.
New steps described in this tutorial are :
Step 1. Layers.
Step 2. Merging methods.
Step 3. Layer parameters.
Step 4. Actual blending of the set of images.
Tutorial 1: ASView - explanation of basic steps needed to use
libAfterImage and some other simple things.
Tutorial 2: ASScale - image scaling basics.
Tutorial 3: ASTile - image tiling and tinting
#include <libAfterImage/afterbase.h>
#include <libAfterImage/afterimage.h>
#include "common.h"
char *burning_rose[] =
void usage()
printf( "Usage: asmerge [-h]|[image op1 image1 [op2 image2 [...]]]\n");
printf( "Where: image - is background image filename\n");
printf( " image1 - is first overlay's filename\n");
printf( " op1,op2,... - overlay operation. Supported operations are :\n");
list_scanline_merging( stdout,
" %-15.15s- %s\n");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ASVisual *asv ;
int screen = 0, depth = 0;
int to_width = 1, to_height = 1;
ASImageLayer *layers ;
int layers_num = 0, i;
ASImage *merged_im ;
/* see ASView.1 : */
set_application_name( argv[0] );
if( argc == 2 && strncmp(argv[1],"-h", 2) == 0 )
return 0;
if( argc <= 3 )
show_error( "not enough arguments, please see usage:%s", " ");
usage() ;
printf( "Using the default, \"The Burning Rose\", composition :\n");
printf( "\n\trose512.jpg add back.xpm:512x386 hue fore.xpm:512x386\n");
argv = &(burning_rose[0]) ;
argc = 6;
dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
_XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
depth = DefaultDepth( dpy, screen );
/* see ASView.3 : */
asv = create_asvisual( dpy, screen, depth, NULL );
/* see ASMerge.1 : */
layers = safecalloc( argc/2, sizeof(ASImageLayer) );
for( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ )
int x = 0, y = 0;
unsigned int width, height ;
int geom_flags = 0 ;
char *separator;
char *filename ;
/* see ASMerge.2 */
if( i > 1 )
/* see blend_scanlines_name2func() : */
if((layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines =
blend_scanlines_name2func( argv[i] )) == NULL )
continue ;
++i ;
if( (separator = strchr( argv[i], ':' )) != NULL )
{ /* see ASTile.1 : */
geom_flags = XParseGeometry( separator+1, &x, &y, &width, &height);
filename = mystrndup( argv[i], separator-argv[i] );
filename = argv[i] ;
layers[layers_num].im = file2ASImage( filename, 0xFFFFFFFF,
if( filename != argv[i] )
free( filename );
if( layers[layers_num].im != NULL )
if( !get_flags(geom_flags, WidthValue) )
width = layers[layers_num].im->width ;
if( !get_flags(geom_flags, HeightValue) )
height = layers[layers_num].im->height ;
/* see ASMerge.3 : */
if( layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines == NULL )
layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines =
alphablend_scanlines ;
layers[layers_num].clip_width = width ;
layers[layers_num].clip_height = height ;
if( layers_num > 0 )
layers[layers_num].dst_x = x ;
layers[layers_num].dst_y = y ;
to_width = width ;
to_height = height ;
if( width != layers[layers_num].im->width ||
height != layers[layers_num].im->height )
ASImage *scaled_bottom ;
/* see ASScale.2 : */
scaled_bottom = scale_asimage( asv, layers[layers_num].im,
width, height, False, 100,
destroy_asimage( &(layers[layers_num].im) );
layers[layers_num].im = scaled_bottom ;
++layers_num ;
if( layers_num <= 0 )
show_error( "there is no images to merge. Aborting");
return 2;
/* see ASMerge.4 */
merged_im = merge_layers( asv, layers, layers_num,
to_width, to_height,
while( --layers_num >= 0 )
destroy_asimage( &(layers[layers_num].im) );
free( layers );
if( merged_im )
/* see ASView.4 : */
Window w = create_top_level_window( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 32, 32,
to_width, to_height, 1, 0, NULL,
"ASMerge" );
if( w != None )
Pixmap p ;
XMapRaised (dpy, w);
/* see ASView.5 : */
p = asimage2pixmap( asv, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), merged_im,
NULL, True );
destroy_asimage( &merged_im );
/* see common.c: set_window_background_and_free() : */
p = set_window_background_and_free( w, p );
/* see common.c: wait_closedown() : */
if( dpy )
XCloseDisplay (dpy);
/* writing result into the file */
ASImage2file( merged_im, NULL, "asmerge.jpg", ASIT_Jpeg, NULL );
destroy_asimage( &merged_im );
return 0 ;
Step 1. Layers.
libAfterImage performs blending/merging of different images, using
arrays of ASImageLayer structures, with first element representing
the bottommost image. Each structure specifies exact position on
resulting image where overlay should be blended to, tint of the
overlay, size, to which overlay should be tiled, overlay's origin,
and overlay's background color. Arbitrary number of layers can be
merged whithin single run.
Accordingly all that is needed to merge bunch of images is to create
array of ASImageLayer structures and fill it up appropriately.
layers = safecalloc( argc/2, sizeof(ASImageLayer) );
Step 2. Merging methods.
Each layer can be merged in using its own method. There are about 15
different methods implemented in libAfterImage, and user app can
implement other methods of its own. To specify method all that is
needed is to set merge_scanlines member of ASImageLayer to pointer
to the function, implementing specific method.
libAfterImage provides facility to parse method name strings into
actuall function pointers. That could be used to simplifi scripting,
if((layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines =
blend_scanlines_name2func( argv[i] )) == NULL )
continue ;
All layers MUST have valid merge_scanlines pointer, even the
bottommost layer, despite the fact that it has nothing to be merged
with. If merge_scanlines is set to NULL - this layer will be ignored.
That could be used to turn on/off particular layers.
Step 3. Layer parameters.
Several ASImageLayer members are mandatory and cannot be set to 0.
Such as : im - image to be merged; clip_width, clip_height - this will
be used to tile the image; merge_scanlines - must be set to a pointer
to the function implementing merging method. If any of this is set
to 0 - then layer will be ignored. The rest of the parameters are
optional. Note thou that tint parameter will tint overlay's RGB
components and alpha component, as the result it could be used to
make opaque images - semitransparent.
if( layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines == NULL )
layers[layers_num].merge_scanlines =
alphablend_scanlines ;
layers[layers_num].clip_width = width ;
layers[layers_num].clip_height = height ;
if( layers_num > 0 )
layers[layers_num].dst_x = x ;
layers[layers_num].dst_y = y ;
Step 4. Actual blending of the set of images.
After set of layers has been prepared - it can be passed to
merge_layers() function, that will create new ASImage of specifyed
size, and then blend all the layers together to fill this image.
merged_im = merge_layers( asv, layers, layers_num,
to_width, to_height,
while( --layers_num >= 0 )
destroy_asimage( &(layers[layers_num].im) );
free( layers );
After we've blended layers - we no longer need ASImageLayer array.
So proceeding to clean it up, by destroying overlay AsImages first,
and then freeing array itself.